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Health Office

Ms. Jacqueline Griffith, School Nurse

Stephen J. Gerace Elementary School

Phone: 973-305-5615 ext. 4008

Fax: 862-446-0005

Virtual Health Office

Health Forms:

Asthma Treatment Plan: For any student who may require a rescue inhaler or nebulizer treatment while in school.

Food Allergy Action Plan: The following 3 forms must be completed

1. Allergy Action Plan

2. Indemnification Form

3. Release of Medical information

For your convenience, all Pequannock Township Health forms are available below.

Physical Exam Form: Every student must have a physical by their physician prior to entering any NJ school.

Medication Permission Form: Please note that the School Nurse cannot give any medication unless this form is completed by Parent and Physician, this includes cough drops, tylenol etc. Medication must be sent in to school nurse labeled and in its original container.

Student Health History FormThis is a district form which will provide us with health information to assist your child's individual needs.

Oral Health Assessment Form for PreK and Kindergarten.

6th grade Immunization Form for incoming 6th graders.

Student Absences:

Please call the nurse's office at 973-305-5615 and hit 2 to report an absence.

When you call the attendance line to report your child's absence please let us know why your child is absent so that we can track illnesses in school. You are welcome to leave a message at the nurse's extension at ext 4008 any time of day and I will retrieve my messages in the morning.

If your child has a fever, vomiting or diarrhea, please keep your child home for 24 hours after the last episode. This will help cut down on contagious viruses. The extra day will benefit your child's recovery and he/she can return to school ready to work and be successful.

If your child is absent for 3 days or more please provide a doctor's note for your child to return to school.

Realtime will send out alerts at 9:30am if we have not received notice by 9:15am that your child is absent or will be tardy.

Additional Information